To the One Who Is Waiting

So take courage, my heart
Stay steadfast, my soul
He’s in the waiting
Hold onto your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He’s never failing

I’ve sung these beautiful words by Bethel Music over and over again throughout the past few months, but only recently did they really sink into my heart. So I thought I would share a little bit of what God has been revealing to me about waiting:

Waiting is never fun. As a very impatient person, I would consider myself a very credible source on the matter of waiting. Sometimes I cry out to God to just deliver me to the next mountaintop already, remove me from this valley, renew my soul and grant me the desires of my heart. But I get silence in return.

I find this so frustrating. As a member of an instantaneous generation, I’m used to seeing my needs fulfilled almost immediately – but I’ve come to find out that this is not how God works at all. Instead, He sits still, waiting for us to draw near to Him, to discover more of His heart and seek His character above any need that we may have.

The Bible says that God is a jealous God. He doesn’t want to share His time with our own worries or impatience. He simply wants to be with us. He wants us to abide in Him. He wants us to be content in who He is rather than what we can get from Him.

It is in these seasons of waiting that we must draw near to our Creator, the One who stitched our very souls, and pursue His heart above all else. It is only when we press into our Father that we’ll begin to understand His plans for His children.

And as we gradually come to know Him on a deeper, more intimate level, we begin to align our desires with His. We begin to see His plans for us unfold.

And dear reader, He desperately wants to give you the desires of your heart. The Bible says that the Father knows what you have need of before you even ask! How gracious and mighty is our God – who cares about us enough to know each of our individual thoughts and dreams.

But by being impatient, we are removing our trust from God. We are indicating that we don’t trust Him enough with our time, our lives, and our desires.

So my question to you is this – do you trust Him? Do you believe that He’s faithful to do what He says He will do? The Bible says that His plans for you are good… but do you trust Him enough to see them carried out in His timing?

I don’t know what you’re waiting for today, but I do know that the God who made you is faithful to complete a good work in your life. He never blunders, never neglects us. He knows what you have need of. But beyond this, He knows what He can do through you, even in this season of waiting.

So I encourage you to press into God during this time. You may discover that His plans for you far outweigh your greatest imagination or deepest desire. Stay steadfast – He is faithful.


“For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:3

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him…” Psalms 37:3-7

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