In the Trenches of Life

For my birthday a couple weeks ago I asked for a book by C.S. Lewis called Screwtape Letters. I had heard many people recommend it, so I finally decided that I would give it a shot. As I was having my quiet time last night, I came across one of the most brilliantly written pieces … More In the Trenches of Life

Called to Love

“Let all you do be done in love.” -1 Corinthians 16:14 God recently placed this verse on my heart and has reminded me of it constantly throughout the past week. I prayed a few days ago that God would show me what real love looks like—so, naturally I opened to the book of Song of Solomon … More Called to Love

Real Joy

I think that one of the toughest battles (and perhaps most ignored) that we as Christians face is the battle to achieve contentment. I’ve noticed recently that many of my thoughts wander to the big dreams I have for my future—the job I hope to have someday, the person I will marry, God’s purpose for … More Real Joy

Be Still

I find myself here once again. Seconds, minutes, hours tick by as I stress about how I will finish my next paper, read all my chapters, and complete my never-ending projects all while getting a fairly reasonable amount of sleep. Though for some people it might look a little different (piles of work, phone calls … More Be Still